Huntingdon County 

Endangered & At-Risk Youth Response Team

Developed by:

Charles T. Streightiff Kristen C. Streightiff

Chief of Police Director of C.I.A

Huntingdon Borough Police Mount Union Area School District

Vision: Every child in Huntingdon County should have the opportunity to experience a safe 

and healthy childhood free from exposures to illegal substance abuse and influence, child abuse and neglect, and unnecessary trauma; while also being supported in areas of trauma- informed care, mental health, and other environmental influences.

Mission: Create an early warning “handle with care” alert between Law Enforcement, 

Children and Youth Services and local school districts to provide timely and valuable information about concerned youth that otherwise would go undetected and unreported.  

Purpose: To collaboratively combine the expertise and resources of multiple 

professionals, agencies, and communities to improve interventions for children and families.


  • PFSA (Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance)
  • PennCAC (Children’s Advocacy Centers of Pennsylvania)
  • Mainstream Counseling
  • TIU11
  • Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
  • Children First PA

Current Situation:   Only youth identified through *MTSS (Multi-tiered Systems of 

Support), *SAP (Student Assistance Program), and/or school staff are 

receiving additional support and/or care.

Addition of “Handle with Care” Alert

School Districts do not readily receive information from outside sources concerning their students.  Information that may help identify endangered and at-risk youth, and lead to further assistance and services.

H.E.A.R.T would address the large demographic of students that should be “handled with care” and provide school staff valuable information in explaining behavior, discipline and academic changes.

The key is identifying endangered and at-risk youth earlier and/or reaching a demographic of youth that never would have been identified for additional levels of support.  This is an alert system only.  No specific information will be provided to school personnel, as to why the alert was issued for the youth.

H.E.A.R.T is currently available within the Huntingdon Area School District, the Mount Union Area School District, and New Day Charter School.

Presentations are ongoing weekly for H.E.A.R.T, as requests are received daily.

Support is continuing to grow with state and national level recognition and interest.   PFSA and PennCAC are ready to assist H.E.A.R.T through promotion and education in Huntingdon County and beyond…..with Huntingdon County being the pilot for such a program throughout the Commonwealth.