Tree Commission

5 Year Terms

The Huntingdon Tree Commission will meet  the first Tuesday, then every other month.

Dr. James Savory, Chairman         Home:  643-6824
711 Agnes Street
Huntingdon, PA  16652
Term Expires:  January 2022

Ginny Gill, Vice-Chair                   Home:  643-6646
1431 Mifflin Street
Huntingdon, PA  16652
Term Expires:  January 2025

J. Jackson Barlow                          Home: 643-6573
2306 Murray Avenue
Huntingdon, PA  16652
Term Expires:  January 2024

Matt Powell                                   Home: (443) 802-6300
719 Warm Springs
Huntingdon, PA  16652
Term Expires:  January 2023

James Dodson                                Home:  643-2328
613 7th Street
Huntingdon, PA  16652
Term Expires:  January 2025

William Frazier                               Home:  643-8346
2545 Miller Avenue
Huntingdon, PA  16652
Tree Commissioner Emeritus – Lifetime Appointment

Tree Commission Contacts:

Bill Elmendorf                                      863-7941
Penn State Urban Forester

Alan Sam                                               234-7145
Consulting Arborist                              692-7285

Tuckaway Tree Farm                            667-3666

§ 2721.  Shade tree commission.

(a)  Establishment.–Council, by ordinance, may establish a shade tree commission and delegate to the shade tree commission the exclusive care, custody and control of shade trees and authorization to plant, transplant, remove, maintain and protect shade trees on the streets and highways in the borough.

(b)  Commission authority.–The shade tree commission may make and enforce regulations for the care and protection of shade trees. No regulation may be in force until it has been approved by the council and enacted as an ordinance.

(c)  Park commission.–If in any borough there exists a commission for the care of public parks, the council may, by ordinance, confer on the park commission all the powers and all the duties prescribed by this chapter for a shade tree commission.