Water & Sewer Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 2:30pm.
This committee is made up of 3 council members, one acting as committee chair. The job of this committee is to supervise and maintain the Borough Water system and the Borough Wastewater (Sewer) system. This includes improvements, maintenance, and concerns about both the Water plant located on Water Works Alley and the Wastewater (Sewer) plant located on Snyder’s Run Road. Meetings include the business of approving prior month’s meeting minutes, reports from Borough engineer, Borough Water Supervisor, Borough Sewer Supervisor and any other necessary partners, or public (signed in visitors).
Robert Jackson, Chairman
Terry Green
David Wessels
Terry Green
David Wessels
Each of these committee’s meetings are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. If you wish to bring a specific item before any committee please contact Borough Secretary, Richard King, to be included on the next month’s agenda by emailing rking@huntingdonboro.com