Anonymous Tips

Police and community members must work together to effectively deter and mitigate crime. If crimes go unreported, little can be done to prevent others from becoming victims. You can help by reporting suspicious and criminal activity immediately.

The Anonymous Tip Form allows you to report suspicious or criminal activity that has already occurred or will occur in the future. Its purpose is to help with investigative leads. It is NOT to be used in emergency situations or when the police need to respond the same day.

If the activity being reported is in progress or has just occurred, call 9-1-1.

If you need an officer to respond to you or the situation on the same day, but not in an emergency, you can call 814-643-3960. This is the non-emergency dispatch number and answers 24 hours a day.

Otherwise, if you have information you believe might be helpful to a police investigation, time is not of the essence, and you wish to remain anonymous, please complete this form as fully as possible. Although your personal information is not required, it is more helpful if you provide at least some contact information in the event investigators have additional questions or do not fully understand your information.

[contact-form-7 id=”5181″ title=”Untitled”]

Drug activity can also be reported through this link.

It is our policy not to trace the origin of an email sent via this form unless it is in the interest of public safety. All information will be investigated before any action is taken.